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Sharing enables a clinician to get a full picture of all elements that affect your treatment.

Who is data shared with and why?

The out of hours on-call service, Leeds Hospitals and some other organisations who help with your healthcare.

This means that if we refer you to another NHS service, the person you go and see will have access to your full GP records and visa versa. This allows for safer care and means you have to repeat your story less often.

What is shared?

All data unless specific items are marked as private.

Watch the video below which explains the benefits of Enhanced Data Sharing:


How is the data shared given?

Access is restricted to NHS Smartcard holders in Hospitals, Out of Hours Services, Community Health and GPs.

How is consent given?

Initial implied consent, with explicit consent for a share in and out at each organisation.

How do I get more information?

You can choose to share or not to share your full electronic record with other NHS care services where you are treated, and whether or not we can view records held by those other services.

If you choose to make your record shareable, your clinical details will only be viewable by clinical teams who are treating you.

Each clinical team which cares for you now or in the future will ask your permission to view your shared record. You can also ask for part of your record to be made private i.e. not shareable. All record accesses are recorded and auditable. If you choose not to make your records shareable, we will respect your wishes and will do our best to make your care is safe and efficient, however, denying the clinical teams caring for you the ability to access important clinical details could compromise your care.

You Have Two Choices:

  • Sharing Out - This controls whether your full electronic patient record can be shared with other NHS care services where you are treated.

Let us know if your records should be Shareable or Not Shareable.

  • Sharing In - This controls whether you agree for this service to view the information you’ve agreed to share at other NHS care services.

Let us know if we can view your shared record from elsewhere or if you do not want it to be viewable to us.

In the event of an emergency, in certain circumstances, such as if you are unconscious or there is a court order, healthcare staff may look at your record without asking you. If they have to do this, a note will be made on your record. If we share information without your permission, we will make sure that we adhere to the Data Protection Act 1998, the NHS confidentiality code of practice and other national guidelines on best practice.

Latest review 6 July 2023

City View Medical Practice
Beeston Hill Community Health Centre
123 Cemetery Road
LS11 8LH (for satnav use LS11 8BS)
Tel 0113 467 7515

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Shafton Lane Surgery 
20A Shafton Lane
LS11 9RE
Tel 0113 467 7515

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Opening hours
Monday-Friday 8.00am - 6.30pm