The Social Prescribing Service is a service which supports people to access a range of non-clinical support and activities in your local area.
A Social Prescriber/Well-being Co-ordinator (also known as a Link Worker) can help you with social, emotional or practical needs and can connect you with appropriate services and agencies as necessary. Social Prescribers understand that some issues cannot be treated by medication, and those issues usually arise from things that matter to you, such as housing problems, loneliness, anxiety, financial issues and other things which can affect you. Social Prescribers understand that you may wish to have a more in-depth discussion with your GP after your appointment and are here to support you on matters that cannot be fixed by one appointment alone.
We are part of a group of GP Practices, known as a Primary Care Network (PCN). The PCN has its very own Social Prescribers that have their own specialities, such as championing learning disability rights and access to appointments, advising on the importance of immunisations, vaccinations and health screening, along with supporting patients who need additional help to age well and keep healthy.
Social Prescribers/Well-being Co-ordinators are here to guide you on the journey and be a source of knowledge on what really matters and is important to you.
Please speak to our Receptionists, Nurses or GPs to access the service.
Click here for further information on the Social Prescribing Service.
How does it work and who can access the service?
- Anyone aged 16+
- An initial telephone appointment is offered first to assess your needs
- Signposting or referrals to various local services and agencies
- Follow up telephone support for up to a maximum of 3 months
- An offer to join our virtual coffee mornings
Please note, the Social Prescribing Service is not a counselling or crisis support service, however, they can refer or signpost you to the relevant services.
For further information, please watch the video below from the National Academy for Social Prescribing: