This practice is taking part in a new NHS service that helps your family GP spot whether you need more help to manage your health. The service is called “risk profiling”
Who is data shared with and why?
Using information from your health records, a secure NHS computer system will look at any recent treatments you have had in a hospital or at this practice, any existing health conditions that you have and alert your GP to the likelihood of a possible future hospital admission.
What is shared?
Most Data.
How is the data shared?
The information will be seen only by qualified health workers involved in your care. NHS security systems will protect your health information and patient confidentiality at all times. The clinical team at the practice will use the information to help you get early care and treatment where it is needed.
How is consent given?
If you don’t want your information being used in this way, or have any other concerns, please contact the practice.
How do I get more information?
At the NHS England Website.